There is immense excitement amongst the audience to witness the much awaited Sanjay Dutt biopic Sanju starring Ranbir Kapoor as the yesteryear actor. While the audience is eagerly waiting for the trailer of the film, makers Rajkumar Hirani and Vinod Chopra showcased the trailer to Ranbir Kapoor’s father Rishi Kapoor. The veteran actor was pleasantly surprised at the fine performance of his son.
On watching the trailer, a teary-eyed Rishi Kapoor said, “The way Rajkumar Hirani has presented Ranbir is the biggest Superb thing, the boy has really done well. I am so proud of him. I swear on Neetu and Ranbir, I did not think it was Ranbir, I thought it was Sanjay Dutt.” The proud dad further added saying, “You don’t know how emotionally triggered I am right now at the point where Vinod (Chopra) and Raju (Rajkumar Hirani) have shown me this trailer. The first appearance of Ranbir from the jail, I thought it was Sanjay Dutt.”
After praising the young actor, Rishi Kapoor jokingly said, “I shouldn’t praise him so much, He’s good and still got to improve, and still got to do good work. I love you my boy (Ranbir)”.
The biopic depicts the various stages of Sanjay Dutt’s life, the teaser of which has already piqued the interests of the audience. Sanju showcases the highs and lows of Sanjay Dutt’s life-giving an insight into the unbelievable story of the actor. The teaser has garnered immense appreciation for the apt portrayal of Sanjay Dutt’s life. While Ranbir Kapoor is being showered with praises for his amazing transformation into each phase of Sanjay Dutt’s life, Rajkumar Hirani is hailed for his realistic portrayal.
The director released multiple posters of the film, revealing the varied looks of Ranbir Kapoor from the biopic. All the posters have gained immense appreciation from the audience and critics alike for the striking resemblance to Sanjay Dutt.
Written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film will also stars an ensemble cast in addition to Ranbir Kapoor which includes Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, Sonam Kapoor and Dia Mirza amongst others. Produced by Vinod Chopra Films and Rajkumar Hirani Films in association with Fox Star Studios, Sanju is all set to be released on 29th June 2018.
ALSO READ: Sanju: Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal give us an insight into the untold friendship of Sanjay Dutt
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