Akshay Kumar‘s Rowdy Rathore opened up a new market for him altogether and even his detractors would agree to this. Now, there is a talk of a sequel coming up soon and the makers have already made some progress with it. Producer Shabina Khan revealed that the final script of Rowdy Rathore 2 is ready and she is ready to pitch it to Sanjay Leela Bhansali who co-produced the first part with her. She awaits an okay post which they will be ready to move on to the next step.
She said that the writing took a little more time than expected by Vijendra Prasad but now they are totally ready with the project. Undoubtedly, Akshay Kumar is the first and the last choice to star in the film. Stay tuned and you will know soon more details with regard to the film. Aren’t you all excited? After all, Rowdy Rathore which released back in 2012 was a smash hit and had a huge commercial appeal. Sonakshi Sinha played female lead with Akshay in the movie.
Akshay is currently busy with Kesari which is a war movie produced by Karan Johar. It is based on the great battle of Saragarhi and is slated to release on Holi next year. Other than that, he has Gold coming up for release. Stay tuned for more info on Bollywood Hungama.
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