Kareena Kapoor Khan has been running from pillar to post promoting Veere Di Wedding with co-stars Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania. Looks like she does not want to leave any stone unturned to make sure that her comeback vehicle is smash hit. Aside from this, she also is engaged with shooting for brand endorsement deals and other professional commitments. There is no stopping to her when it comes to jugging work and family like a pro, which is very inspiring to all moms to be! Yesterday while she was busy with promotional activities and shooting for some advertisement, she caught a break and chilled with both: hubby Saif Ali Khan and doting son Taimur Ali Khan in the city!
If Kareena is not at home, she makes sure that Taimur visits her on sets. Yesterday, as soon as she finished promoting her film, hubby Saif dropped by her sets and she is seen conversing him on the sets. He was not alone! Taimur had accompanied him and Bebo’s joy knew no bounds. Also, see the happy trooper Taimur walking away merrily holding both his parents hands! This sure is a Kodak moment! He looks genuinely pleased in the company of his mom and dad.
Kareena spoke about the challenges of raising Taimur, being a working mother and revealed that she could not have done that without the support of her hubby Saif who also is juggling his acting career while maintaining a work-life balance. He is currently shooting and hence Bebo will take a break till November until she signs her next film.
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